We have been very busy, but I did get away one day. Betty & I are working apart now sometimes. It allows one of us to usually be at the store. There is lots of stuff to take care of, and it works a little better with one of us always available.
I did get to Idaho Falls the other day though. Betty gave me the day off. I got her an ipod. The 80g video version. Days of our Lives is now on iTunes. She will be all set now.
I got a mac-mini. It is ordered and will be shipped to me this week hopefully. I am very excited to try a mac out.
We ordered our washing machine this past week. Guess we're staying awhile!!!
The disappointment was today with UPS. Betty was suppose to have Harry Potter the day it came out. If it didn't come today, the book was free. The exception was if it was delivered, but no one was available to sign for it. Well the book was suppose to come to the store, and it never showed. This evening on the UPS website, it says delivery attempted. No one home. The store was open from 7am - 10pm. We were both there all day. The UPS guy never showed. So they are saying they tried, which Amazon will count as being delivered today. We have contacted them to see what they say, and I will have a word with the UPS guy on Monday. I think he was lazy, and didn't want to drive out this far.
Talk to ya all later, Greg